Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Genetic Suppression Attack

            We live in a country where mosquitoes can compromise our health with diseases such as malaria. Scientists have been working to find a way to contain the population of the mosquitoes to prevent further casualties from the diseases that they transmit. When we encounter mosquitoes, what do we do? Slapping it, chasing it or spraying it with insecticide isn’t just enough. It’s still going to fly around us and constantly be a nuisance. The mosquitoes will inject its saliva once it finds an opportunity to bite you. This is the reason we itch every time a mosquito bites us. It is also a reason we want to end its life for abusing our skin and blood. However, researchers have found a way to genetically engineer mosquitoes to kill their own offspring. Well, that took them long enough.

            The mosquitoes are engineered to kill their own children by passing on a lethal radiated gene. These children will die before they even reach adulthood. This method is more environmentally friendly than insecticides; however, the side effects of these genetically modified mosquitoes are yet to be known. Since they were modified with a radioactive gene, these mosquitoes will not be as strong as the wild one. Their chance to find a mate will be significantly lower than the natural mosquitoes, making it pointless if they just died without mating. Some researchers have been releasing these modified mosquitoes without permission or in countries with low to no regulations regarding the matter. This causes even the supporters of the research to be worried. These mosquitoes have been released on Grand Cayman Island before and it has effectively reduced the population of the mosquitoes by 80% for three months. So, what’s your opinion about our little genetically modified weapon?


 Genetically Modified Mosquito (Left) and it's Egg (Right)

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