Tuesday, November 15, 2011

National Crisis - The Flood


           This picture was chosen to represent the scale in which the impact of the flood can range to. As you can see in the image, the flood has risen to three meters, during the time at which the photo was taken. It has increased to an astounding four meters now, and is causing massive damage to any unfortunate structures that happened to befall upon their path. Upon laying eyes on the image, I hope that the citizens, who are unaffected or are ignorant about it, will support the flood victims. The flood victims are financially troubled, and are physically and mentally unstable, due to their loss. I wish to expose the impact of the flood, to those who have not seen it with their own eyes.

            What the image is showing is, its relation to the flood. The flood situation that has gotten out of hand was supported by the false announcement that the government was giving. The owner of the house in the image was falsely informed by the government that their house was out of reach from the flood. That even if the house was flooded, they would still be able to use their electricity and water pump, making it livable. This was not the case, as electricity and water usage was immediately taken away, when the flood was inevitable. This is just one of the many examples, of how a disorganized, inefficient government could do, during a national crisis.    

            The image was shot by one of my family members, while traveling to our, now forsaken flooded house. It is therefore, connected to me, as it is our house that is in peril. The picture displays a house, which belongs to my family. I have inhabited in the house for all my life, and it is heavy on my heart to see it submerged. My family predicted that the flood would’ve been around 50 cm, due to constant attention on the Yingluck’s announcement. Therefore, we elevated our possessions, just high enough to avoid our prediction. It was, without a doubt, a mistake, as the flood decided to devour the entire first floor. The government, on the other hand, left us to fend for ourselves. The situation has given me a new light in looking at the way the world works. See if your sources are creditable or not. Yingluck is definitely not creditable, as she is only a puppet.

This is Yingluck’s downfall, I’m telling you. 

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