Tuesday, November 15, 2011

National Crisis - The Flood


           This picture was chosen to represent the scale in which the impact of the flood can range to. As you can see in the image, the flood has risen to three meters, during the time at which the photo was taken. It has increased to an astounding four meters now, and is causing massive damage to any unfortunate structures that happened to befall upon their path. Upon laying eyes on the image, I hope that the citizens, who are unaffected or are ignorant about it, will support the flood victims. The flood victims are financially troubled, and are physically and mentally unstable, due to their loss. I wish to expose the impact of the flood, to those who have not seen it with their own eyes.

            What the image is showing is, its relation to the flood. The flood situation that has gotten out of hand was supported by the false announcement that the government was giving. The owner of the house in the image was falsely informed by the government that their house was out of reach from the flood. That even if the house was flooded, they would still be able to use their electricity and water pump, making it livable. This was not the case, as electricity and water usage was immediately taken away, when the flood was inevitable. This is just one of the many examples, of how a disorganized, inefficient government could do, during a national crisis.    

            The image was shot by one of my family members, while traveling to our, now forsaken flooded house. It is therefore, connected to me, as it is our house that is in peril. The picture displays a house, which belongs to my family. I have inhabited in the house for all my life, and it is heavy on my heart to see it submerged. My family predicted that the flood would’ve been around 50 cm, due to constant attention on the Yingluck’s announcement. Therefore, we elevated our possessions, just high enough to avoid our prediction. It was, without a doubt, a mistake, as the flood decided to devour the entire first floor. The government, on the other hand, left us to fend for ourselves. The situation has given me a new light in looking at the way the world works. See if your sources are creditable or not. Yingluck is definitely not creditable, as she is only a puppet.

This is Yingluck’s downfall, I’m telling you. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Scientific Fraud - Homeopathy

Homeopathy is an alternative form of medicine created by Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. This medicine is created by diluting chemicals into water, until the solution even containing a single molecule of the chemical becomes questionable. Supporters of homeopathy claim that the water will retain the “memory” of the chemical. In my humble opinion, this alternative medicine known as homeopathy is nothing but an elusive fraud to start a multi-million dollar industry.

            The invention of homeopathy was established 200 years ago. However, after decades of research, a creditable scientific validation is yet to be announced. This is because it is not scientifically valid and is more or less a psychological effect or a trick that our brain has played. Diluting a substance until the original content is gone is highly skeptical, and no experiments have proven that it actually works. Homeopathy is more related to placebo pills, where the patients will feel better just because they believe that the pill will cure them. Even the inventor of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann stated that homeopathy is a, “Dynamic spiritual healing force”. His perspectives are more of a religious view than a scientific one, and are therefore, not an effective persuasion for scientific breakthrough.

            An individual named, “James Randi” is setting up a campaign to attack the makers of homeopathy drugs. He tried to prove the fraud by overdosing on homeopathic sleeping pills and claiming that it had no effect on him whatsoever. His confidence even led him to offer one million dollar to anyone who could provide enough evidence of homeopathy’s validity. So far, no one has taken Randi’s offer. If a doctor prescribed me a homeopathic medicine, then I would begin to suspect the doctor’s education. Let us examine the basis of homeopathy. Homeopathy is based on three rules. One, the substance that is harming is you, will cure you. Second, diluting the substance makes it stronger. Lastly, the maker of homeopathy claims that water has a memory. The homeopathic medicine is already diluted until it is compared to a drop of water into the ocean, therefore the solution does not contain a single molecule of the substance that is supposedly able to cure you. So, the substance that is diluted does not exist anymore, and diluting it further is just going to make it disappear and not stronger. The theory, which states that water has a memory, is not scientifically correct. If it is, then the water will have to remember all the sewages, lakes, ponds, oceans, or even an animal’s urination. Then how would these memories not interfere with the homeopathic original substance that is being diluted?

            In conclusion, homeopathy is a fraud, and the makers are just selling this “fake” medicine next to a scientifically proven medicine. No scientific claims have yet to testify the homeopathic medicine’s validity. Therefore, I believe that homeopathy is not a legit medicine and is ridiculous to the core. 
"If" water had memory
Homeopathy = Placebo Effect

                                                               James Randi's Challenge

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Biology Cell Response

     A picture of a plant cell sits casually on my biology textbook. It just sits still, provoking a staring contest with me (Not winning either). The article states that the cell is like nightmarish place that contains massive amounts of activity that creates electricity every moment. A physicist called James Trefil compared a cell to "a complex chemical refinery" and a biochemist called Guy Brown compared it to "a vast, teeming metropolis". Either way, it is surprising a simple picture of a generalized cell is teeming with life and activity that sustains us every moment of our life.

     Each cells carry genetic codes in their nucleus. These genetic codes are just like instruction manual for the body. Can you imagine if your life was planned ahead by an instruction manual? I suppose it gets the job done, but its pretty restricted. However, this is how cells work, and we're alive and healthy right now aren't we? The article described our cell as a country that contains trillions of cells that will devote and die at your command. Or rather, a command from hormones. After reading that particular paragraph, cells now look like soldiers in a war. Dying with great dignity for the better, and by "dividing", they're like a rebel who divided apart from our benefit to attempt to overthrow our health.  

Heres Obama approving the post : )